Ask me that question at this moment, and I would say, “eradicate the common cold.” Yes, I know it would be so much better for the human race if I said something profound like “cure AIDS,” “clean up the environment,” or “erase poverty,” but I don’t feel especially philosophical right now, especially when there are other people to say it for me.
Of course, I may be slightly obsessed with the idea of curing the cold since I have one. My nose could win first place at a track meet, my sneeze instantly clears a five-foot diameter circle around me, my hot and cold flashes are worthy of the Katy Perry song, and my mouth tastes like hundreds of little gray germs moved in and died. And don’t forget the aching body, the heavy smell of Menthol, and the let-me-curl-up-and-die feeling.
Of course, this is the time when you find out whether your amigos are real or just window dressing. A true friend doesn’t mind giving you a hug despite the glazed look in your eyes from too much cold medicine. A true friend doesn’t mind that you can’t stop hacking all over your arm; he or she will probably rush to give you cough drops. A true friend won’t even mind the smell of Menthol hanging around you. So I guess a cold is good for something besides keeping the immune system active. But I’d rather go without needing the cough stuff, thanks. Now, where’s my Kleenex box?
Word Count: 249
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